My primary training is in clinical psychology. However, throughout my career I have borne witness to the high relapse rate among patients in psychiatric hospitals and outpatient psychology clinics. I have become acutely aware of the limitations of the standard medical model, which addresses symptoms and views a person as a product of their diseases rather than as a whole individual. Built on this model, our standard psychological frameworks alone fail to address core issues that for many bring about their mental health and spiritual challenges in the first place. Understanding this, I have shifted the focus of my work to Transpersonal Psychology. Transpersonal Psychology integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. Whereas Clinical Psychology attempts to “fix” one’s problems, vulnerabilities, and self-image, Transpersonal Psychology goes beyond the regular self structure and reveals important aspects of life and existence that transcend day-to-day problems.
In using this integrated methodology, we not only relieve symptoms, but also facilitate personal development, treat the root of the problem, foster happiness and peace in life, and develop a higher and more accurate sense of identity. For some, such work can even go beyond the self. They begin to address existential issues (e.g. life and death), understand spiritual issues (e.g. the meaning of our life), and examine how emotional problems manifest in our body and mind.
If we work together, I’ll consider who you are holistically. Our work will integrate elements of psychology, meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis, breathwork, yoga, diet, exercise, retreats, emotional intelligence, shadow work, and more. If necessary, I will refer you to specialists to guide you through some of these areas of work.
Although I have experience working with people from all walks of life, I am currently seeking clients who are inspired toward personal growth. We will absolutely start with symptom alleviation, but I emphasize focus on spiritual and personal growth from the understanding that most mental health symptoms are often the result of core spiritual and emotional blockages.
More specifically, I would love to work with those who are interested in understanding their inner life, coming out of their shell, exploring existential questions, and finding true meaning in life.
Identity and self development is a healthy and necessary part of human development. In working with children and adolescents I focus on identity formation and relieving symptoms of mental health problems. In this age group, it is about assisting the child or teen to build a flexible identity while exploring their values, beliefs, strengths, and difficulties.
As a father, I am dedicated and sensitive to children and adolescents. I believe that providing a safe place for them to be themselves and express their fears and daydreams, we can help them discover that the world is safe, and that someone deeply cares for them unconditionally, which is immensely healing. My work with children and adolescents is coupled with working with parents, who are always a part of the solution.
In working with couples, in addition to working on promoting understanding of each other, rekindling love, communication skills, and self-awareness, I address transcendental elements regarding how partners benefit each other in their individual development while in healthy relationship. We remember and explore the questions, “Why did we get together in the first place?” and “How can we uplift and support each other in our journey?”